Big©loud Jamclub – intercultural jamsession

Every tuesday from september 03 to december 17 at freiland Potsdam (Club Mitte, Haus 4). 5pm -8pm.

Big©loud Jamclub is the new cross-cultural jamsession in Potsdam. We invite everyone to be part of this musical exchange. It takes place every tuesday from September to December. Music has the power to connect people and to overcome boundaries. We want to strengthen the common coexistence and the approach of various cultures. The session should become the central meeting point of the international music scene in Potsdam. The aim is to build new cooperations and to develop new projects. Spectators are very welcome at Big©loud Jamclub! Have a tea and make yourself comfortable.

The entrance is free – donations are highly appreciated.
You can find the facebook event here.

Funded by Landeshauptstadt Potsdam.